Days since you were born

Calculate the number of days you have been alive.

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TakeyMakey code
Want this tool to do something else? Edit the code below and make it do whatever you want.
  take: [
    { key: "y", type: "number", label: "Year", value: 1988 },
    { key: "m", type: "number", label: "Month", value: 1, min: 1, max: 12 },
    { key: "d", type: "number", label: "Day", value: 23, min: 1, max: 31 },
  make: ({ y, m, d }) => {
    const d0 = new Date()
    const d1 = new Date().setFullYear(y, m - 1, d)

    const dayMs = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
    const delta = Math.abs(Math.round((d1 - d0) / dayMs))

    const lang = "default"
    const days = new Intl.NumberFormat(lang).format(delta)
    const date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(lang, {
      year: "numeric",
      day: "numeric",
      month: "long",
      weekday: "long",
      era: y < 1200 ? "short" : undefined,

    const isOrAre = delta === 1 ? "is" : "are"
    const dayOrDays = delta === 1 ? "day" : "days"

    return d1 - d0 === 0
      ? `It's ${date} today!`
      : d1 - d0 > 0
      ? `There ${isOrAre} ${days} ${dayOrDays} to go until ${date}!`
      : `It's been ${days} ${dayOrDays} since ${date}!`