Convert CoffeeScript to JavaScript

Convert CoffeeScript code to vanilla JavaScript. Options to control how conversion is handled, and use modern semantics where available.

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TakeyMakey code
Want this tool to do something else? Edit the code below and make it do whatever you want.
  take: [
    { key: "code", type: "code", label: "CoffeeScript" },
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Use CoffeeScript v2",
      key: "useCS2",
        "Treat the input as CoffeeScript 2 code. This version has some small breaking changes and differences in behavior to version 1.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Use JavaScript Modules",
      key: "useJSModules",
        "Convert `require` and `module.exports` to `import` and `export`. Note this may result in incorrect `import` statements",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Modernize JavaScript",
      key: "modernizeJS",
        "Treat the input as JavaScript and only run the JavaScript-to-JavaScript transforms.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Literate",
      key: "literate",
      detail: "Treat the input as Literate CoffeeScript.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Disable suggestion comment",
      key: "disableSuggestionComment",
        "Do not include a comment with suggestions at the top of the output file.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "No array includes",
      key: "noArrayIncludes",
      detail: "Do not use `Array.prototype.includes` in generated code.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Prefer let",
      key: "preferLet",
      detail: "Use `let` instead of `const` for most variables in output code.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose",
      key: "loose",
      detail: "Enable all `loose` options.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose default params",
      key: "looseDefaultParams",
        "Convert CoffeeScript default params to JavaScript default params.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose for expressions",
      key: "looseForExpressions",
      detail: "Do not wrap expression loop targets in `Array.from`.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose for of",
      key: "looseForOf",
      detail: "Do not wrap `for...of` loop targets in `Array.from`.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose includes",
      key: "looseIncludes",
      detail: "Do not wrap in `Array.from` when converting `in` to `includes`.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose comparison negation",
      key: "looseComparisonNegation",
      detail: "Allow unsafe simplifications like `!(a > b)` to `a <= b`.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Loose JavaScript Modules",
      key: "looseJSModules",
      detail: "Allow named exports when converting to JavaScript modules.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Disallow invalid constructors",
      key: "disallowInvalidConstructors",
        "Give an error when constructors use `this` before `super` or omit the `super` call in a subclass.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Optional chaining",
      key: "optionalChaining",
        "Target JavaScript optional chaining. Note the semantics may not match exactly.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Nullish coalescing",
      key: "nullishCoalescing",
        "Target JavaScript nullish coalescing. Note the semantics may not match exactly.",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Logical assignment",
      key: "logicalAssignment",
        "Use the ES2021 logical assignment operators `&&=`, `||=`, and `??=`.",
      type: "list",
      label: "Safe import function identifiers",
      key: "safeImportFunctionIdentifiers",
        "Function names (one per line) that may safely be in the `import/require` section of the file. All other function calls will disqualify later requires from being converted to imports.",
      type: "import",
      value: "",
  make: ({ code, ...options }) => ({
    type: "code",
    label: "JavaScript",
    value: decaffeinate.convert(code, { bare: true, ...options }).code,