Convert HTML to Pug

Pug (previously named Jade) is a clean, whitespace sensitive syntax for writing HTML. Convert your HTML into Pug code in the browser.

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TakeyMakey code
Want this tool to do something else? Edit the code below and make it do whatever you want.
  take: [
    { key: "html", type: "code", label: "HTML" },
    { key: "double", type: "toggle", label: "Double quotes", value: true },
      key: "noattrcomma",
      type: "toggle",
      label: "Omit attribute comma",
      value: true,
    { key: "noemptypipe", type: "toggle", label: "Omit lines with only pipe" },
    { key: "bodyless", type: "toggle", label: "Omit enveloping tags" },
    { key: "numeric", type: "toggle", label: "Numeric character entities" },
      key: "indent",
      type: "dropdown",
      label: "Indent",
      options: ["Two spaces", "Four spaces", "Tabs"],
    { key: "wrapLength", type: "number", label: "Wrap length", value: 80 },
      type: "import",
      value: [
  make: ({ html, indent, ...options }) => {
    if (!html) return

    options.nspaces = indent === "Four spaces" ? 4 : 2
    options.tabs = indent === "Tabs"

    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      Html2Jade.convertHtml(html, options, (err, value) =>
        err ? rej(err) : res([{ type: "code", value }])
  options: { mode: "iframe" },